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First Qualifier of SAILING Champions League 2020 Postponed

In view of the current situation concerning the spread of the new coronavirus, the SAILING Champions League (SCL) is postponing the first European qualifier of the season. The first of three qualifiers was planned for 11 to 14 June in Mariehamn, Finland, and will now be set to a later date this summer. The new date for the regatta will be confirmed and announced by the end of April.

With these changes in the schedule, the SCL ensures that all planned qualifiers can be sailed and the allocation of the clubs to the qualifiers can be maintained. SCL wants to enable its partners, supporters and especially the athletes to make the best possible seasonal planning possible at the moment while at the same time ensuring that the entire SCL season can take place.

The organizers of the SCL continue to follow the development of the situation very closely and are in close contact with the responsible authorities. The SCL is working together with the organizing clubs on further planning scenarios in order to be prepared for possible further impairments of the season.

Oliver Schwall, Managing Director of SAILING Champions League, comments in this context: "We hope that the measures taken to contain the crisis will take effect and that this crisis will quickly take a positive course. I wish all athletes, partners and sailing fans the best of health and that we will see each other on the water again soon!“

Fonte: SAILING Champions League Press Office

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